Inside The Office with our #12DaysofCSuiteChicks Promotion Winner, Jaclyn Smith

Inside The Office with our #12DaysofCSuiteChicks Promotion Winner, Jaclyn Smith

We were so inspired by the Inside The Office submissions we received during our #12DaysOfCSuiteChicks promotion earlier this year. In fact, we were grateful to use a random name generator to select our winner, because choosing based on merit would have been an impossible task! That said, we could not be more thrilled to have this beautiful, authentic "Ed Hustler" be our winner!

Meet Jaclyn Smith, a powerful educational advocate and fantastic human being. We love that Jaclyn shared a glimpse of her story here, and hope you have the privilege of meeting her one day to learn more of it. Her journey "ain't been no crystal stair", but many children and youth will be the better because she continues to climb.

Thank you, Jaclyn, for sharing with us!

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