Inside The Office Day 10, with Debora Barr

Life is a journey, and our next featured client knows that very well.  Meet Debora Barr, an author and speaker who is in the process of transitioning from her executive-level federal government position into full-time ministry.  Our lives are also our stories; thank you, Debora, for sharing a small portion of your story with our readers!


What is your "day job"? 

Currently, my job is for the Federal Government, but I am retiring on February 1st and will be transitioning to full-time ministry.

Who were your heroes, or mentors?

I never really had any heroes; however, I have had mentors in my life.  They are ministry leaders and teachers who have helped me along in my journey to finally fulfill the plans and purposes that God has for my life.

When did you decide you were a Christian ministry leader; that this would be your journey?

When God completely transformed my life and changed its trajectory from that of a lesbian and atheist who wondered what her purpose was in life, to that of a woman who loves God with her whole heart, soul, mind and strength, and who is now free from the life of homosexuality.  I am now fulfilling the plans and purposes God has for my life--to proclaim the Gospel message and to draw others to Jesus for healing and wholeness.  I was recently licensed as a minister of the Gospel and am walking in the plans and purposes that God has for my life.


If you weren’t a ministry leader, what would life look like?

I would most likely have continued to work for the government.

If you had to do it all over again, would you do anything differently?

Yes; I would have surrendered my life to Jesus Christ several years ago.

What do you do, for you, that brings you absolute joy or peace?

I spend as much time outdoors in nature and as far away from concrete as possible.  I love it!

What would you like your epitaph to be?  In one word, what is it that you want people to remember about you?
